Россия, Республика Адыгея, 385001, г. Майкоп, ул. Привокзальная, 108

Beri i pey

Juices and nectars

The favorable location of our plant on the border of the foothills of the North-Western Caucasus and the fertile plains of the Kuban, as well as the presence of a modern complex for processing agricultural raw materials, allows us to achieve an optimal combination of taste by blending a naturally more sour mountain apple from the orchards of Adygea, KBR and Karachay-Cherkessia with a sweet Kuban apple plains (Krasnodar and Stavropol territories)/
Due to modern technologies and our extensive experience, we were able to convey all the juiciness of the Brazilian orange, the pulp of the peach from South Africa and the unforgettable taste of Italian grapes.

An important factor in the production our entire line of flavors is the use of natural mountain water, which undergoes special filtration.

Strict compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements allowed us to obtain a state registration certificate allowing the use our products for feeding preschool and school-age children.

Produce with love

Read about processing fruits and vegetables for juice products, canned fruit and vegetables and baby food